19 至 22 岁的姐弟俩玛德琳 (Madeleine) 和玛丽·莱斯 (Marie-Liesse) 以及路易斯·安东纳 (Louis Antona) 历时八个月从巴黎步行到耶路撒冷(4,500 公里),以深化他们的信仰。 19-22 year old siblings Madeleine and Marie-Liesse, and Louis Antona, walked from Paris to Jerusalem (4,500 km) over eight months to deepen their faith.
三名年轻人,玛德琳(Madeleine)和玛丽·莱斯(Marie-Liesse)(姐妹,分别为 19 岁和 22 岁)以及路易斯·安东纳(Louis Antona)(24 岁),历时八个月从巴黎步行到耶路撒冷(4,500 公里),以深化她们的信仰。 Three young adults, Madeleine and Marie-Liesse (sisters, 19 and 22) and Louis Antona (24), walked from Paris to Jerusalem (4,500 km) over eight months to deepen their faith. 他们在阿尔巴尼亚相遇,一起穿过土耳其,然后分道扬镳并在耶路撒冷重聚。 They met in Albania, walked together through Turkey, then parted ways and reunited in Jerusalem. 朝圣帮助他们信任上帝并明白耶稣一直陪伴着他们。 The pilgrimage helped them trust God and understand that Jesus is with them every step of the way.