由于公众兴趣的增加,韩国最高法院量刑委员会制定了更新的虐待动物量刑指南。 Korea's Supreme Court Sentencing Commission creates updated guidelines for animal abuse sentencing due to increased public interest.
由于公众对动物福利的关注度不断提高以及虐待动物案件的增多,韩国最高法院量刑委员会决定制定更新的虐待动物案件量刑指南。 Korea's Supreme Court Sentencing Commission has decided to create updated guidelines for sentencing in animal abuse cases, due to increased public interest in animal welfare and a rise in such cases. 新指南将针对两类犯罪提出量刑建议:导致动物死亡的犯罪和对动物造成痛苦或伤害的犯罪。 The new guidelines will recommend sentences for two types of crimes: those leading to animal deaths and those inflicting pain or harm on animals. 现行法律对这些罪行分别判处最高三年和两年的监禁。 The current law punishes these crimes with up to three and two years in prison, respectively.