22 岁的爱尔兰女子娜塔莎·基恩从迪拜的一艘游艇上坠落两层楼,头部严重受伤,肝脏撕裂,但正在康复。 22-year-old Irish woman, Natasha Keane, falls two storeys from a yacht in Dubai, suffers severe head injury and liver lacerations, but is recovering.
22 岁的爱尔兰女子娜塔莎·“塔莎”·基恩在迪拜参加朋友的生日聚会时从两层楼高的游艇上坠落,受重伤,即将出院。 22-year-old Irish woman, Natasha 'Tasha' Keane, seriously injured after falling two storeys from a yacht during a friend's birthday party in Dubai, is set to be released from hospital. 塔莎的姐姐罗伊辛 (Róisín) 在 Facebook 上分享道,塔莎“头部严重受伤,肝脏也有裂伤”,目前“终于康复了”。 Suffering a "severe head injury and lacerations to her liver", her sister Róisín has shared on Facebook that Tasha is "finally on the mend". 基恩来自卡洛,已经在阿联酋生活和工作了一年。 Keane, originally from Carlow, has been living and working in the United Arab Emirates for a year.