卡塔尔中央银行的可持续发展战略可能促进 ESG 债券和伊斯兰债券的发行。 Qatar Central Bank's sustainability strategy may facilitate ESG bonds and sukuk issuance.
惠誉报告称,卡塔尔中央银行 (QCB) 的可持续发展战略可能为 ESG 债券和伊斯兰债券铺平道路。 Fitch reports Qatar Central Bank's (QCB) sustainability strategy could pave the way for ESG bonds and sukuk. 将伊斯兰债券纳入该战略是一项重大进展,反映出银行业对 ESG 因素的日益关注。 The inclusion of sukuk within the strategy is a significant development, reflecting the increasing focus on ESG factors within the banking sector. 卡塔尔央行对可持续金融的重视与利益相关者对银行将 ESG 纳入其企业战略和融资工具(如债券和伊斯兰债券)的要求相一致。 QCB's emphasis on sustainable finance aligns with stakeholder demands for banks to integrate ESG into their corporate strategy and financing instruments, such as bonds and sukuk.