6 月 14 日,越南广平省在布鲁塞尔向比利时游客和投资者展示了其旅游和投资潜力。 Quang Binh province in Vietnam showcased its tourism and investment potential to Belgian tourists and investors in Brussels on June 14.
越南广平省被称为“洞穴王国”,6 月 14 日在布鲁塞尔举行的一场活动中向比利时游客和投资者展示了其自然美景和投资潜力。 Quang Binh province in Vietnam, known as the "Kingdom of Caves," showcased its natural beauty and investment potential to Belgian tourists and investors at an event in Brussels on June 14. 此次活动由广平省旅游局、越南驻比利时大使馆和佛兰德斯旅游局联合举办,重点介绍了广平省独特的自然遗产、文化、开放的投资环境和激励措施。 Co-organized by the province's Tourism Department, the Vietnamese Embassy in Belgium, and Visit Flanders, the event highlighted Quang Binh's unique natural heritage, culture, open investment environment, and incentives. 该省旨在合作发展旅游业,重点发展可再生能源和高科技产业。 The province aims to collaborate in developing tourism, focusing on renewable energy and high-technology industries.