为解决住房危机,澳大利亚新南威尔士州将外国购房者关税从 8% 提高至 9%,业主土地税从 4% 提高至 5%。 Australia's New South Wales increases foreign homebuyer duties from 8% to 9% and owner land tax from 4% to 5% to address the housing crisis.
澳大利亚新南威尔士州将提高对外国购房者的关税,将外国购房者附加税从 8% 提高到 9%,海外买家的业主土地税税率从 4% 提高到 5%。 Australia's New South Wales will increase duties on foreign homebuyers, lifting the foreign purchaser surcharge to 9% from 8% and the owner land tax duty for overseas buyers to 5% from 4%. 这些变化预计将在未来四年内带来 16.8 亿澳元(11 亿美元)的收益,用于解决住房危机。 These changes are expected to return A$1.68bn ($1.1bn) over the next four years, directed towards addressing the housing crisis. 州财政部长丹尼尔·穆克希 (Daniel Mookhey) 表示,这些都是为了应对严重的住房危机而做出的适度调整。 State Treasurer Daniel Mookhey stated that these are modest adjustments in response to a severe housing crisis.