加尔各答私立法学院教师桑吉达·卡达尔 (Sanjida Qadar) 获得了佩戴头巾的许可,但在学院保证之后,她选择不再回去工作。 Private law college teacher in Kolkata, Sanjida Qadar, receives permission to wear hijab but chooses not to return to work after college's assurance.
加尔各答私立法学院的一名教师最初被要求不要戴头巾上课,后来获得允许戴头巾。 A private law college teacher in Kolkata, initially asked not to wear a hijab to class, later received permission to wear a headscarf. 然而,在考虑了学院的决定后,桑吉达·卡达尔决定不再重返工作岗位,学院也尊重了她的决定。 However, after considering the college's decision, Sanjida Qadar has decided not to re-join her workplace, and the college has honored her decision. 学院管理层此前曾向她保证,上课时她可以使用 dupatta 作为头巾。 The college's management had previously assured her that she could use a dupatta as a headscarf during classes.