197 名尼日利亚士兵被派往冈比亚参加为期 6 周的西非国家经济共同体维和任务训练。 197 Nigerian soldiers deployed to Gambia for a 6-week trained ECOWAS peacekeeping mission.
根据西非经共体授权,197名尼日利亚士兵被派往冈比亚执行维和任务。 197 Nigerian soldiers have been deployed to Gambia for a peacekeeping mission under the ECOWAS mandate. 他们在卡杜纳州贾吉的马丁路德阿格瓦伊国际领导力和维和中心完成了为期六周的培训。 They completed six weeks of training at the Martin Luther Agwai International Leadership and Peacekeeping Centre in Jaji, Kaduna State. 尼日利亚军队强调尊重人权、文化敏感性以及遵守联合国维和行动的原则和准则。 The Nigerian Army emphasized respect for human rights, cultural sensitivity, and adherence to UN principles and guidelines for peacekeeping operations.