美国领事馆附近的汉堡大桥上悬挂着 50 个贴有州标签的救生圈,上面展示着反特朗普的横幅。 50 life buoys with state labels hung on a Hamburg bridge near the US consulate display anti-Trump banners.
美国驻汉堡领事馆前的桥上悬挂了50个救生圈,旁边还挂着“美国,自救吧”的横幅。 50 life buoys were hung on a bridge in front of the US consulate in Hamburg alongside banners reading "America, save yourself. 不要投票给特朗普”。 Don't vote for Trump". 这项反特朗普艺术活动由德国艺术家沃尔克·约翰内斯·特里布 (Volker-Johannes Trieb) 发起,代表了美国 50 个州,每个州都贴上了特里布认为会受到特朗普第二任期威胁的概念标签,包括“和平”、“法治”、“妇女权利”和“信仰自由”。 The anti-Trump art action was carried out by German artist Volker-Johannes Trieb and represents the 50 US states, each labelled with concepts Trieb believes will be threatened by a second Trump term, including "peace," "rule of law," "women's rights" and "freedom of belief".