神经病学研究表明,青年时期的长期抑郁症状(在黑人成年人中更为普遍)与中年时思维和记忆能力下降有关。 Study in Neurology links prolonged depressive symptoms in young adulthood, more prevalent in Black adults, to worse thinking and memory skills in middle age.
《神经病学》的一项研究发现,青年期长期的抑郁症状可能会导致中年时思维和记忆能力下降,尤其是对于黑人成年人而言。 A study in Neurology found that prolonged depressive symptoms in young adulthood may lead to worse thinking and memory skills in middle age, particularly for Black adults. 这项研究涉及 3,117 名平均年龄 30 岁的参与者,结果表明抑郁症状在黑人成年人中更为普遍,并且这些症状在年轻成年期会导致认知能力下降。 The research, involving 3,117 participants with an average age of 30, suggests that depressive symptoms are more prevalent among Black adults, and that these symptoms in young adulthood contribute to cognitive decline.