前密西西比州警察迈克尔格林因强迫被捕男子在牢房里舔尿而被判处一年有期徒刑。 Former Mississippi police officer Michael Green sentenced to 1 year for forcing arrested man to lick urine in jail cell.
密西西比州前警察迈克尔·克里斯蒂安·格林 (Michael Christian Green) 因强迫一名被捕男子舔掉牢房地板上的尿液而被判处 1 年联邦监禁。 A former Mississippi police officer, Michael Christian Green, was sentenced to 1 year in federal prison for forcing a man he had arrested to lick urine off the floor of a jail cell. 格林对以法律为借口剥夺他人公民权利的轻罪指控表示认罪。 Green pleaded guilty to the misdemeanor charge of acting under the color of law to deprive a person of their civil rights. 事件发生于去年 12 月,当时格林逮捕了一名在商店扰乱秩序的男子,而这一过程被监控摄像头拍了下来。 The incident occurred in December, after Green arrested a man for a disturbance at a store, and was caught on security cameras.