田纳西州莱姆斯通市布莱茨动物园的一只 Sitatunga 羚羊因被丢弃的挤压式苹果酱袋噎住而死亡。 Sitatunga antelope at Brights Zoo in Limestone, TN, died from choking on a discarded squeezable applesauce pouch.
田纳西州莱姆斯通市布莱茨动物园的羚羊利夫 (Lief) 因被据信是游客留下的可挤压苹果酱袋噎住而死亡。 Sitatunga antelope Lief died at Brights Zoo in Limestone, TN, after choking on a discarded squeezable applesauce pouch believed to be left by a visitor. 动物园已禁止携带此类物品,并进行包袋检查;敦促游客前往指定的野餐区或返回车内就餐。 The zoo has banned such items and conducts bag searches; visitors are urged to use designated picnic areas or return to their cars to eat. 动物园老板大卫·布莱特对此次损失表示哀悼,并表示这是可以避免的,原因是游客不遵守规定。 Zoo owner David Bright mourned the loss, stating that it was preventable and due to visitor noncompliance.