10月2日, 俄勒冈州莱恩县99号公路发生致命车辆残骸事故, On October 2, a fatal vehicle-pedestrian accident occurred on Highway 99 in Lane County, Oregon.
俄勒冈州莱恩县99号公路上发生了一起致命的车辆与行人事故,发生在10月2日上午10点48分左右. A fatal vehicle-pedestrian accident occurred on Highway 99 in Lane County, Oregon, on October 2, around 10:48 a.m. A vehicle pulling a trailer struck a male pedestrian, who died at the scene. 尤金警察局关闭了埃尔米拉路以北的高速公路,正在调查这一事件。 The Eugene Police Department has closed the highway north of Elmira Road and is investigating the incident. 建议机动车驾驶员避免该地区,因为目前正在作出应急努力,并可能出现交通延误。 Motorists are advised to avoid the area due to ongoing emergency response efforts and potential traffic delays.