美国驻悉尼领事馆遭人用大锤砸毁并被涂上倒红色三角形,澳大利亚总理阿尔巴尼斯呼吁保持冷静。 Australian PM Albanese calls for calm after US Consulate in Sydney vandalized with sledgehammer and inverted red triangles painted.
澳大利亚总理阿尔巴尼斯呼吁人们对悉尼美国领事馆遭到破坏保持冷静。 Australian PM Albanese calls for calm amid US Consulate vandalism in Sydney. 一名身穿深色连帽衫的男子用大锤破坏了北悉尼美国领事馆,砸碎了九扇强化玻璃窗,并在建筑物正面画上两个倒置的红色三角形(巴勒斯坦抵抗的象征)。 A person wearing a dark hoodie vandalized the North Sydney US Consulate with a sledgehammer, breaking nine reinforced glass windows and painting two inverted red triangles (a symbol of Palestinian resistance) on the building's facade. 阿尔巴尼斯敦促以巴争论双方的活动人士缓和局势,并表示这种破坏行为无助于推进任何事业,只构成犯罪行为。 Albanese urged activists from both sides of the Israel-Palestine debate to de-escalate, stating that the vandalism did nothing to advance any cause and only constituted a criminal act.