在比哈尔邦萨兰区,一对父子律师在前往法庭的途中被枪杀,引发抗议。 In Bihar's Saran district, a father-son lawyer duo was fatally shot on their way to court, sparking protests.
在比哈尔邦萨兰区,一对父子律师在去法庭的途中被枪杀,引发律师和法院工作人员的抗议。 In Bihar's Saran district, a father-son lawyer duo was fatally shot on their way to court, sparking protests from lawyers and court employees. 两名嫌疑人已被逮捕,但其作案动机尚不清楚。 Two suspects have been arrested, although the motive remains unclear. 警方怀疑此案与土地纠纷有关,目前正在进行突袭行动以逮捕剩余嫌疑人。 Police suspect a link to a land dispute, and are conducting raids to apprehend the remaining accused. 由于这一罕见事件在该地区十分罕见,因此引起了人们的关注。 The rare incident has drawn attention due to its rarity in the area.