在拉贾斯坦邦,一名母亲和叔父因涉嫌谋杀一对夫妇的事务而被捕。 In Rajasthan, a mother and uncle were arrested for allegedly murdering a couple over affairs.
在印度拉贾斯坦邦,一名名叫Lalita的母亲及其兄弟Rambaran因涉嫌谋杀Lalita的儿子Vikas及其妻子Deeksha而被捕,因为他们担心婚外情。 In Rajasthan, India, a mother named Lalita and her brother Rambaran have been arrested for allegedly murdering Lalita's son, Vikas, and his wife, Deeksha, due to concerns over their extramarital affairs. 这对夫妇在从寺庙回来时遭到枪击。 The couple was shot while returning from a temple visit. 被告一丝不苟地策划了谋杀,涉及一名司机和各种策略,然后才执行他们的计划。 The accused planned the murder meticulously, involving a driver and various strategies before executing their plan. 此案引起了公众的注意,警方的调查正在进行之中。 The case has attracted public attention, and police investigations are ongoing.