候任总理纳伦德拉·莫迪表示,他的第三届政府的候任部长应具有谦逊、透明和尊重的品质。 Prime Minister-designate Narendra Modi addresses humility, transparency, and respect in ministers-designate for his third government.
候任总理纳伦德拉·莫迪敦促候任部长在准备就任第三届政府时要保持谦逊,绝不在廉洁和透明方面妥协。 Prime Minister-designate Narendra Modi urged ministers-designate to be humble and never compromise on probity and transparency as they prepare to take office in his third government. 他强调,人们对其寄予厚望,每个人都必须实现目标,同时也要求所有议员,无论其所属党派,都应受到尊重和尊严。 He emphasized that people have high expectations and everyone must deliver, while also requesting respect and dignity for all MPs, regardless of their parties. 莫迪将于周日宣誓就任第三任总理。 Modi will take oath for a third consecutive term on Sunday.