6 月 8 日,印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪在全国民主联盟 (NDA) 多数席位下宣誓就任第三任期。 Prime Minister Narendra Modi takes oath for third term on June 8 with NDA majority.
在尼泊尔、孟加拉国、毛里求斯、斯里兰卡和不丹等主要盟友的支持下,印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪将于 6 月 8 日宣誓就任第三任总理。 Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to take the oath for his third consecutive term on June 8, with support from key allies including Nepal, Bangladesh, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, and Bhutan. 印度全国民主联盟(NDA)一致选举莫迪为领导人,在人民院选举中获得多数席位,使他能够第三次组建政府。 The National Democratic Alliance (NDA) unanimously elected Modi as their leader, securing a majority of seats in the Lok Sabha election, allowing him to form a government for a third time.