为回应朝鲜发射垃圾气球事件,韩国将恢复对朝鲜的扩音器宣传广播。 South Korea to resume loudspeaker propaganda broadcasts towards North Korea in response to trash balloon launches.
为了回应朝鲜近期发射垃圾气球的行为,韩国计划从周日开始恢复对朝鲜的扩音器宣传广播。 South Korea plans to resume loudspeaker propaganda broadcasts towards North Korea, beginning Sunday, in response to North Korea's recent trash balloon launches. 韩国国家安全委员会表示,这些广播的目的是让金正恩政权无法忍受。 The broadcasts aim to be unbearable for the Kim Jong Un regime, according to South Korea's National Security Council. 此前,朝鲜恢复了投放垃圾气球的活动,此举导致两国紧张关系紧张。 This follows North Korea's resumed trash balloon disposal activities, which have strained tensions between the two countries.