萨尼亚市议会取消了开发费用增加的逐步实施期,从而提高了开发区 2 中独栋/半独立式住宅的费用。 Sarnia City Council removes phase-in period for development charge increases, raising costs for single/semi-detached homes in Development Area 2.
萨尼亚市议会取消了开发费用上调的阶段性规定,原定到 2028 年,开发费用将每年上涨 5%。 Sarnia City Council has removed the phase-in period for development charge increases, which were set to rise 5% annually until 2028. 这意味着从 2025 年 1 月 1 日起,开发区 2 的独栋和半独立式住宅的开发费用将从 34,732 美元上涨至 43,415 美元。 This means development charges for single and semi-detached homes in Development Area 2 will rise from $34,732 to $43,415 from January 1, 2025. 该决定旨在为城市基础设施项目提供资金,但引发了人们对成本增加可能减缓该地区发展的担忧。 The decision aims to fund city infrastructure projects but has raised concerns that the increased costs could slow development in the area.