查塔姆-肯特议会就拟议的开发收费章程进行投票。 Chatham-Kent council vote on a proposed development charges bylaw.
安大略省查塔姆-肯特市议会将于 3 月 18 日就拟议的开发收费细则进行投票,旨在为基础设施开发提供资金并吸引住房和经济增长。 Chatham-Kent council in Ontario will vote on a proposed development charges bylaw on 18 March, aiming to fund infrastructure development and attract housing and economic growth. 目前的附例将于 3 月 25 日到期,根据安大略省的开发收费法案,某些服务的增长相关成本可以由这些费用全额资助。 The current bylaw expires on 25 March, and under Ontario's Development Charges Act, growth-related costs of certain services can be fully funded by the charges. 批评者认为,拟议的增长可能会阻碍未来的增长,并给公司和居民带来过多的经济负担。 Critics argue that the proposed increases could hinder future growth and place too much financial burden on companies and residents.