印度控制的克什米尔地区发生一起遭武装分子袭击的巴士事故,造成 10 名朝圣者死亡,32 人受伤。 10 pilgrims killed, 32 injured in militant-attacked bus accident in Indian-controlled Kashmir.
一辆巴士在印控克什米尔地区遭到武装分子袭击,发生事故,造成 10 名朝圣者死亡,32 人受伤,其中一些人伤势严重。 10 pilgrims were killed and 32 injured, some critically, in a bus accident in Indian-controlled Kashmir after it was attacked by militants. 事件发生在雷阿西区波尼地区的特里亚斯村,距斯利那加市以南约 236 公里。 The incident occurred in Teryath village of Poni area in Reasi district, approximately 236 km south of Srinagar city. 据信这些印度教朝圣者来自印度北部的北方邦。 The Hindu pilgrims were believed to be from the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. 救援行动已经启动,由于部分伤者情况危急,官员们担心死亡人数可能还会上升。 A rescue operation was launched and officials feared the death toll might rise due to the critical condition of some of the injured.