韩国在韩非峰会上寻求新的非洲协议中的市场准入和技术专长,同时避免技术转让承诺。 South Korea seeks market access and tech expertise in new Africa deals at the Korea-Africa Summit, while avoiding technology transfer promises.
韩国加入全球大国争夺非洲资源的行列,力争在新的非洲协议中争取市场准入和技术专长。 South Korea pushes for market access and tech expertise in new Africa deals, as it joins global powers vying for African resources. 在韩非峰会上,尽管非洲领导人要求进行技术合作、平衡贸易和减债,但首尔方面却回避承诺技术转让。 At the Korea-Africa Summit, Seoul avoids promising technology transfer, despite African leaders' requests for tech cooperation, balanced trade, and debt reduction. 非洲领导人对韩国的技术进步和能源需求表示赞赏,并看到了非洲矿产在能源转型市场的潜力。 African leaders praise South Korea's technological advancements and energy demand, seeing potential for Africa's minerals in the energy transition market.