萨拉·瓦格纳 (Sara Wagner) 和苏珊娜 (Suzanne) 在威斯康星州附近发现了美洲鳄鱼,经国家密西西比河博物馆证实,并被威斯康星州自然资源部收缴。 American Alligator found by Sara Wagner and Suzanne in Wisconsin neighborhood, confirmed by National Mississippi River Museum, taken into custody by Wisconsin DNR.
萨拉·瓦格纳 (Sara Wagner) 和朋友苏珊娜在他们威斯康星州社区的前院发现了一只年轻的美洲短吻鳄,起初人们误以为它是一只松鼠。 Sara Wagner and friend Suzanne discovered a young American Alligator in their Wisconsin neighborhood's front yard, initially mistaken for a squirrel. 经国家密西西比河博物馆确认,威斯康星州自然资源部已接管该鳄鱼,这是他们第一次接到与鳄鱼有关的报警。 Confirmed by the National Mississippi River Museum, the Wisconsin DNR took custody, with this being their first alligator-related call. 目标是照顾这只鳄鱼并让它回归自然栖息地,但其起源仍然是个谜。 The goal is to care for the alligator and return it to its natural habitat, while the origin remains a mystery.