一只 5 英尺长的鳄鱼闯入佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔市一位老妇人的家;警员和捕手将其安全移走。 5-ft alligator enters elderly woman's home in Jacksonville, FL; officers and trapper safely remove it.
佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔的一位 104 岁老妇人家里来了一位不寻常的访客:一条 5 英尺长的鳄鱼闯入了她的家。 104-year-old woman in Jacksonville, Florida had an unusual visitor when a 5-foot alligator entered her home. 警官科普和约翰逊对她的电话做出了回应,并在捕手迈克·德拉吉奇的帮助下,安全地将这只爬行动物从她的房屋中带走。 Officers Kopp and Johnson responded to her call and, with the help of trapper Mike Dragich, safely removed the reptile from her property. 杰克逊维尔警长办公室的社交媒体平台上分享了一段滑稽的视频,视频中这只鳄鱼被“逮捕”,并被告知“别打扰奶奶们”。 A comical video of the alligator being "arrested" and told to "leave grandmas alone" was shared on the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office social media platforms.