刚果东部穆甘加流离失所者营地的 50 顶帐篷被大火烧毁,导致流离失所者无家可归。 50 tents destroyed by fire at Muganga displacement camp in eastern Congo, leaving families without shelter.
据联合国称,一场大火烧毁了刚果东部一处流离失所者营地的约 50 顶临时帐篷,导致数十个家庭无家可归。 A fire destroyed around 50 makeshift tents at a displacement camp in eastern Congo, leaving dozens of families without shelter, according to the United Nations. 据信火灾是在营地做饭时引起的。 The fire is believed to have started during cooking at the camp. 戈马附近的穆甘加流离失所者营地曾在 5 月初遭受过炸弹袭击,造成至少 18 人死亡,32 人受伤。 The Muganga displaced people camp near Goma had previously experienced bomb attacks in early May, killing at least 18 people and injuring 32 others.