三名劳工因试图使用伪造的 Aadhaar 卡进入德里议会而被捕。 3 laborers arrested for attempting to enter Delhi Parliament with forged Aadhaar cards.
三名劳工 Kasim、Monis 和 Soyeb 因试图使用伪造的 Aadhaar 卡进入戒备森严的议会大厦而被德里警方逮捕。 3 laborers, Kasim, Monis, and Soyeb, were arrested by Delhi Police for attempting to enter the high-security Parliament complex with forged Aadhaar cards. 三人使用临时通行证并出示伪造的身份证,三张身份证均已被收缴。 The trio used casual entry passes while presenting the fake identity cards, and all three cards have been seized. 根据《印度刑法典》的各项条款,他们面临的指控包括冒充他人、伪造、使用伪造文件以及犯罪串谋。 They are facing charges including cheating by impersonation, forgery, using forged documents, and criminal conspiracy under various sections of the Indian Penal Code.