山体滑坡导致非正规矿工被活埋,尼日利亚参议院和众议院呼吁加强尼日尔州的采矿监管,并保证足够的安全。 Nigerian Senate and House of Representatives call for stronger mining regulation and adequate security in Niger State, after rockslides bury informal miners alive.
尼日尔州发生山体滑坡,导致 30 多名非正规矿工被活埋,尼日利亚参议院和众议院呼吁对采矿社区加强监管并提供足够的安全保障。 The Nigerian Senate and House of Representatives have called for stronger regulation and adequate security in mining communities, following rockslides in Niger State that buried over 30 informal miners alive. 两院均已授权各自的固体矿物委员会调查事故原因并审查采矿安全法规。 Both chambers have mandated their respective committees on solid minerals to investigate the causes of the incidents and review mining safety regulations. 他们还请求固体矿产部派遣更多的应急响应专家到现场,以确保救援行动顺利进行。 They have also requested the Ministry of Solid Minerals to deploy more Emergency Response Specialists to the sites for successful rescue operations.