尼日利亚总统蒂努布下令加大打击非法采矿的力度,将健康和安全列为优先事项。 Nigerian President Tinubu orders increased efforts against illegal mining, prioritizing health and safety.
尼日利亚总统博拉·蒂努布指示安全部队加紧努力,在全国打击非法开采。 Nigerian President Bola Tinubu directs security forces to step up efforts against illegal mining nationwide. Tinubu还强调,他的政府承诺在采矿作业中优先考虑尼日利亚人和当地社区的健康和安全。 Tinubu has also emphasized his administration's commitment to prioritize the health and safety of Nigerians and local communities in mining operations. 该指令是在国防学院(NDC)参与者的演讲之后进行的,他们探讨了采矿业为国家安全和发展做出贡献的潜力。 The directive follows a presentation by National Defence College (NDC) participants, who explored the mining industry's potential to contribute to national security and development.