在地缘政治不确定性的背景下,为期 4 天的欧盟选举在荷兰举行,荷兰是 27 个欧盟成员国中第一个举行选举的国家。 4-day EU elections begin in the Netherlands, first of 27 nations, amid geopolitical uncertainties.
为期 4 天的欧盟选举在荷兰拉开帷幕,这是 27 个国家中第一个进行投票的国家。 4-day European Union elections begin in the Netherlands, marking the first of 27 nations to vote. 这场马拉松式的民意调查活动是俄罗斯入侵乌克兰后地缘政治不确定性导致欧盟议会可能向右转的早期指标。 This marathon polling event serves as an early indicator of the EU parliament's potential shift towards the right amid geopolitical uncertainties following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. 大多数国家将于周日进行投票。 Most countries will vote on Sunday.