科罗拉多州斯普林斯警察乔纳森·耶尔文顿 (Jonathan Yelvington) 因 6 月 1 日下班后发生的一起事件而被捕,并被指控犯有轻罪虐待儿童罪。 Colorado Springs police officer, Jonathan Yelvington, was arrested and charged with misdemeanor child abuse for an off-duty incident on June 1.
6 月 1 日,科罗拉多州斯普林斯市警察乔纳森·耶尔文顿在下班后发生一起事件,涉嫌将一名儿童置于危险之中,他因此被捕并被指控犯有轻罪虐待儿童罪。 Colorado Springs police officer, Jonathan Yelvington, was arrested and charged with misdemeanor child abuse after an off-duty incident on June 1, during which he allegedly placed a child in danger. 警犬警官耶尔文顿拨打了紧急医疗救助电话,但他似乎喝醉了,没有反应。 Yelvington, a canine officer, made a call for urgent medical assistance and appeared intoxicated and unresponsive. 儿童犯罪调查组进行了调查,并逮捕了他。 The Crimes Against Children Unit conducted an investigation, leading to his arrest.