30 岁的安吉尔·普列托 (Angel Prieto) 因在新墨西哥州东北部惩教所袭击狱友而被判二级谋杀未遂和共谋罪名成立。 30-year-old Angel Prieto convicted of attempted 2nd-degree murder and conspiracy for assaulting fellow inmate at Northeast New Mexico Correctional Facility.
30 岁的安吉尔·普列托 (Angel Prieto) 因参与新墨西哥州东北部惩教所的袭击事件,被判犯有二级谋杀未遂罪和二级谋杀阴谋罪。 30-year-old Angel Prieto was found guilty of attempted 2nd-degree murder and conspiracy to commit 2nd-degree murder for his part in an assault at Northeast New Mexico Correctional Facility. 普里埃托和同案被告路易斯·麦卡利斯特袭击了狱友雅各布·范德瓦勒,导致他昏迷不醒并受重伤。 Prieto and co-defendant Louis McCallister assaulted fellow inmate Jacob Vandewalle, leaving him unconscious and severely injured. 麦卡利斯特承认有罪,每项指控面临 8 年监禁,目前等待宣判。 McCallister pleaded guilty, faces 8 years per charge, and awaits sentencing.