由于违反田纳西州公共滋扰法,警方关闭了北纳什维尔的星光市场,原因是该市场存在犯罪记录。 Police shut down North Nashville's Star Market due to its history of crime under Tennessee's public nuisance law.
警方关闭了纳什维尔北部的一家商店,即位于布坎南街的星光市场,因为该地长期存在涉及毒品、枪击、斗殴和公共醉酒的犯罪行为。 Police shut down a North Nashville business, Star Market on Buchanan Street, due to the location's long history of crime involving drugs, shootings, fights, and public drunkenness. 纳什维尔大都会警察局(MNPD)依据田纳西州公共滋扰法下达的法庭命令,突击搜查了该市场,并指责店主罔顾和平与公共安全。 The Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) raided the market after a court order under Tennessee's public nuisance law and accused the owners of showing reckless disregard for peace and public safety.