南非非国大在历史性选举中首次失去议会多数席位。 South Africa's ANC loses parliamentary majority for the first time in a historic election.
30年前结束种族隔离制度的南非执政党非洲人国民大会(ANC)在历史性的选举结果中首次失去议会多数席位。 South Africa's ruling African National Congress (ANC) party, which ended apartheid 30 years ago, has lost its parliamentary majority for the first time in a historic election result. 非国大获得的选票略高于40%,远低于其自1994年以来一直保持的多数席位。 The ANC received just over 40% of the vote, well short of the majority it has held since 1994. 这一转变标志着南非自种族隔离制度结束以来走上了新的政治道路。 This shift marks a new political path for South Africa since the end of apartheid.