5 月 20 日,25 岁的说唱歌手 Lil Skies 因在宾夕法尼亚州钱伯斯堡发生肇事逃逸事故而被捕。 Rapper Lil Skies, 25, was arrested for a hit-and-run accident in Chambersburg, PA on May 20.
据钱伯斯堡警察局称,说唱歌手 Lil Skies 于 5 月 20 日因涉嫌在宾夕法尼亚州钱伯斯堡发生肇事逃逸车祸而被捕。 Rapper Lil Skies was arrested for an alleged hit-and-run car accident in Chambersburg, PA on May 20, according to the Chambersburg Police Department. 据报道,25 岁的 Lil Skies(出生名为 Kimetrius Christopher Foose)在没有与另一名碰撞者交换信息的情况下加速逃离。 Lil Skies, born Kimetrius Christopher Foose, 25, reportedly sped away without exchanging information with the other person involved in the collision. 囚犯记录显示他已被释放,但有关保释条件的细节尚未披露。 An inmate record indicates his release, but the details surrounding his bail conditions are undisclosed.