俄亥俄州阿克伦枪击案造成 24 人受伤,1 人死亡;正在调查,尚无嫌疑人信息。 24 injured, 1 dead in Akron, Ohio shooting; ongoing investigation, no suspect info available.
据该市官员称,周日凌晨,俄亥俄州阿克伦市发生枪击事件,造成 24 人受伤,1 人死亡。 24 people were injured and one person died in a shooting in Akron, Ohio, early Sunday, according to city officials. 警方接到报警电话后,发现凯利大道和第八大道附近有多名受害者遭枪击。 Police responded to 911 calls and found multiple victims hit by gunfire in the area of Kelly Ave. and 8th Ave. 调查仍在进行中,暂无更多嫌疑人信息。 The investigation is ongoing and no further suspect information is available. 阿克伦市长沙马斯·马利克 (Shammas Malik) 和警察局长布莱恩·哈丁 (Brian Harding) 呼吁了解枪击事件信息的居民挺身而出。 Akron's Mayor Shammas Malik and Police Chief Brian Harding have called on residents with information about the shooting to come forward.