针对 Poppi Prebiotic Soda 涉嫌虚假宣传肠道健康功效而对它提起集体诉讼。 Class action lawsuit filed against Poppi Prebiotic Soda for false advertising of gut-healthy benefits.
针对 Poppi Prebiotic Soda 的集体诉讼已经提起,声称该产品并没有提供广告中所说的“肠道健康”益处。 A class action lawsuit has been filed against Poppi Prebiotic Soda, claiming it doesn't offer the "gut-healthy" benefits advertised. 原告克里斯汀·科布斯 (Kristin Cobbs) 认为,这款汽水仅含有 2 克益生元纤维,含量太低,无法带来有意义的肠道健康益处,而且其高糖含量可能会抵消任何潜在的健康益处。 Plaintiff Kristin Cobbs argues the soda contains only 2g of prebiotic fiber, too low for meaningful gut health benefits, and its high sugar content could offset any potential health benefits. 该诉讼寻求陪审团审判并要求 Poppi 停止虚假广告。 The lawsuit seeks a jury trial and demands Poppi cease false advertising.