加纳电视连续剧《你只活一次》(YOLO)在华盛顿特区美国国际开发署创意桥梁青年会议上播出。 Ghanaian TV series 'You Only Live Once' (YOLO) showcased at USAID Creative Bridges Youth Conference in Washington DC.
加纳电视连续剧《你只活一次》(YOLO)在华盛顿特区举行的美国国际开发署创意桥梁青年会议上引起关注。 Ghanaian TV series 'You Only Live Once' (YOLO) gained attention at the USAID Creative Bridges Youth Conference in Washington DC. 此次为期两天的活动由美国国际开发署及其合作伙伴组织,重点关注通过艺术、公民教育、体育和 STEM 等形式探索青年发展的新模式和新伙伴关系。 The two-day event, organized by USAID and partners, focused on exploring new models and partnerships for youth development through arts, civics, sports, and STEM. 参与者讨论了吸引年轻人和培养领导技能的新学习和方法。 Participants discussed new learning and approaches to engage young people and foster leadership skills.