在里斯本举行的联合国青年论坛侧重于和平、技术挑战,并展示了32部关于多样性的电影。 UN Youth Forum in Lisbon focuses on peace, tech challenges, and showcases 32 films on diversity.
联合国不同文明联盟在葡萄牙里斯本举行了一次青年论坛,150多个青年代表团在会上讨论了和平与多文化理解问题。 The UN Alliance of Civilizations held a Youth Forum in Lisbon, Portugal, where over 150 youth delegations discussed peace and multicultural understanding. 米格尔·安赫尔·莫拉蒂诺斯高级代表敦促青年人带头应对和平和技术挑战。 High Representative Miguel Ángel Moratinos urged young people to lead on peace and tech challenges. 活动包括PLURAL+青年视频节,表彰青年电影制作人制作的32部关于移徙、多样性和包容性主题的电影。 The event included the PLURAL+ Youth Video Festival, recognizing 32 films by young filmmakers on themes of migration, diversity, and inclusion.