瓦锡兰与新日本海渡轮签署“Hamayu”号和“Soleil”号渡轮的生命周期协议。 Wärtsilä signs Lifecycle Agreements with Shin Nihonkai Ferry for 'Hamayu' and 'Soleil' ferries.
瓦锡兰与日本渡轮运营商新日本海渡轮签署了有关其渡轮“Hamayu”号和“Soleil”号的两份生命周期协议。 Wärtsilä signs two Lifecycle Agreements with Japanese ferry operator Shin Nihonkai Ferry for their ferries 'Hamayu' and 'Soleil'. 该协议旨在通过瓦锡兰的 Expert Insight 预测性维护服务为横须贺和新门司航线提供全天候远程支持、资产诊断和异常检测,从而提高效率、可靠性并减少燃料消耗/排放。 The agreements aim to improve efficiency, reliability, and reduce fuel consumption/emissions by providing 24/7 remote support, asset diagnostics, and anomaly detection via Wärtsilä's Expert Insight predictive maintenance service, serving the Yokosuka and Shinmoji route.