科罗拉多州一名男子用项链挡住子弹,挽救了生命;枪手因企图谋杀而被捕。 Man's necklace blocks bullet in Colorado, saving life; shooter arrested for attempted homicide.
科罗拉多州警方称,一名男子在一场争吵中,脖子上射入一颗子弹,而他坚固的项链很可能挡住了子弹,救了他一命。 Police in Colorado say a man's sturdy necklace likely saved his life by blocking a bullet fired at his neck during an argument. 子弹卡在受害者半英寸宽的银色金属链中,只造成了轻微的穿刺伤。 The bullet became lodged in the victim's half-inch wide silver-colored metal chain, resulting in only a minor puncture wound. 枪手因企图谋杀罪名被捕。 The shooter was arrested on attempted homicide charges.