威斯康星州启动 1 亿美元公私合作创业基金,这是该州历史上规模最大的基金。 Wisconsin launches a $100M public-private startup fund, the largest in state history.
威斯康星州启动 1 亿美元公私合作创业基金,这是该州历史上规模最大的同类基金。 Wisconsin launches a $100M public-private startup fund, the largest of its kind in state history. 威斯康星投资基金最初由州政府出资 5000 万美元,私人投资者出资 5000 万美元,旨在支持企业家和初创企业。 The Wisconsin Investment Fund, initially funded with $50M from state funds and $50M from private investors, aims to support entrepreneurs and start-ups. 选定管理该基金的风险投资公司必须为每一美元的公共资金匹配至少一美元的私人投资。 Venture capital firms selected to administer the fund must match each dollar of public money with at least one dollar of private investment.