曾效力于杰克逊维尔美洲虎队的 NFL 踢球手布兰登·麦克马纳斯因在伦敦包机航班上遭到两名空乘人员的性侵犯而面临民事诉讼。 NFL kicker Brandon McManus, previously with Jacksonville Jaguars, faces a civil lawsuit for alleged sexual assault by two flight attendants during a London charter flight.
现效力于华盛顿指挥官队的 NFL 踢球手布兰登·麦克马纳斯因涉嫌性侵犯而面临民事诉讼。 NFL kicker Brandon McManus, now with the Washington Commanders, is facing a civil lawsuit for alleged sexual assault. 两名未透露姓名的女子是去年杰克逊维尔美洲虎队飞往伦敦的包机上的乘务员,她们指控麦克马纳斯在飞行期间对她们实施性侵犯。 Two unnamed women, flight attendants on the Jacksonville Jaguars' charter flight to London last year, accuse McManus of sexually assaulting them during the flight. 该诉讼还涉及美洲虎队未能监督麦克马纳斯并为飞机上的工作人员创造安全的环境。 The lawsuit also includes the Jaguars for failing to supervise McManus and create a safe environment for staff on the plane. 指挥官正在调查此事。 The Commanders are investigating the matter.