以色列袭击加沙拉法镇的巴勒斯坦帐篷营地,造成 45 人死亡,240 人受伤。 45 killed, 240 wounded in Israeli strike on Palestinian tent camp in Rafah, Gaza.
以色列对加沙拉法赫的流离失所者帐篷营地进行袭击,造成 45 人死亡,240 人受伤。 45 killed and 240 wounded in an Israeli strike on a tent camp for displaced Palestinians in Rafah, Gaza. 目击者形容现场十分恐怖,帐篷燃起熊熊大火,尸体被烧焦。 Witnesses describe the scene as horrifying, with tents in flames and charred bodies. 该事件引发国际社会强烈抗议,并呼吁停火以保护平民。 The incident has sparked international outcry and calls for a ceasefire to protect civilians.