一名 74 岁的行人在莱克兰兹大道达普托路事故中丧生;司机是一名 43 岁的女性,被送往卧龙岗医院接受检查。 74-year-old pedestrian killed in Dapto road crash on Lakelands Drive; driver, a 43-year-old female, taken to Wollongong Hospital for testing.
一名 74 岁的行人在达普托 (Dapto) 路段车祸中丧生,事故地点位于 Lakelands Drive,靠近 Wyndarra Way 和 Parkside Drive。 74-year-old pedestrian killed in Dapto road crash on Lakelands Drive, near Wyndarra Way and Parkside Drive. 这位老人正试图过马路时被一辆斯巴鲁汽车撞倒。 The elderly man was attempting to cross the road when he was hit by a Subaru car. 包括警察和护理人员在内的紧急服务人员无法使受害者苏醒,并已建立犯罪现场进行调查。 Emergency services personnel, including police officers and paramedics, were unable to revive the victim and a crime scene has been established for investigation. 司机是一名 43 岁的女性,她因休克接受治疗并被送往卧龙岗医院接受强制检查。 The driver, a 43-year-old female, was treated for shock and taken to Wollongong Hospital for mandatory testing.