黑客组织 RansomHub 声称对佳士得网站的网络攻击负责,该攻击窃取了富有艺术品收藏家的敏感数据。 Hacker group RansomHub claims responsibility for a cyberattack on Christie's website, accessing sensitive data on wealthy art collectors.
黑客组织 RansomHub 声称对佳士得网站的网络攻击负责,此次攻击迫使佳士得拍卖行采取其他方式进行网上竞拍。 Hacker group RansomHub claims responsibility for a cyberattack on Christie's website, forcing the auction house to resort to alternatives for online bidding. 该组织声称已获取有关全球最富有艺术品收藏家的敏感信息,并威胁将在 5 月底公布这些数据。 The group claims to have accessed sensitive information about the world's wealthiest art collectors and threatened to release the data by end of May. 佳士得证实存在未经授权的访问,但数据泄露的程度仍不清楚。 Christie's confirmed an unauthorized access, but the extent of the data breach remains unclear.