南非女商人 Shauwn“MaMkhize”Mkhize 因未缴纳 3700 万兰特的税款,可能面临失去其豪华轿车车队的风险;南非税务局试图扣押 13 辆汽车。 South African businesswoman Shauwn "MaMkhize" Mkhize faces potential loss of her luxury car fleet due to unpaid R37m taxes; SARS seeks to seize 13 vehicles.
由于欠缴 3700 万兰特的税款,南非女商人兼真人秀明星 Shauw“MaMkhize”Mkhize 可能面临失去她的豪华车队的风险。 South African businesswoman and reality TV star Shauwn "MaMkhize" Mkhize faces potential loss of her luxury car fleet due to R37m in unpaid taxes. 南非税务局试图扣押她的信托公司和足球俱乐部拥有的 13 辆高端汽车。 SARS seeks to seize 13 high-end vehicles owned by her trust and football club. 这不是她第一次遇到税务相关问题,因为 SARS 在 2020 年针对 MaMkhize 旗下的一家公司获得了清算令,原因是该公司欠缴约 2.04 亿兰特的税款。 This is not her first tax-related issue, as SARS obtained a liquidation order against a company owned by MaMkhize in 2020 for owing approximately R204m in unpaid taxes.