说唱歌手 Nicki Minaj 因在荷兰史基浦机场行李中携带毒品而被捕,导致演唱会取消。 Rapper Nicki Minaj was arrested in the Netherlands for drugs in luggage at Schiphol Airport, leading to a concert cancellation.
据报道,说唱歌手妮基·米娜 (Nicki Minaj) 于周六在荷兰被捕,当时她正试图登机前往英国参加一场音乐会,当时警方在史基浦机场的行李中发现了毒品。 Rapper Nicki Minaj was reportedly arrested in the Netherlands on Saturday after police found drugs in her luggage at Schiphol Airport when she tried to board a plane for a concert in England. 曼彻斯特的音乐会随后被取消。 The concert in Manchester was subsequently canceled. 米纳杰在社交媒体上记录了这一事件,其中包括一段视频,视频中一名身穿灰色西装的男子告诉她,警方需要搜查她的所有行李,后来该男子被确认为她的飞行员。 Minaj documented the incident on social media, including a video in which a man in a gray suit, later identified as her pilot, informed her that police needed to search all her luggage.