阿拉斯加渔民杜根丹尼尔斯因射杀一头抹香鲸并用船撞击该鲸鱼而对联邦指控表示认罪。 Alaska fisherman Dugan Daniels pleads guilty to federal charges for shooting a sperm whale and ramming it with his boat.
阿拉斯加渔民杜根丹尼尔斯对联邦指控表示认罪,他命令船员射杀一头抹香鲸,并试图用他的渔船撞击它。 Alaska fisherman, Dugan Daniels, pleads guilty to federal charges for ordering crew to shoot a sperm whale and attempting to ram it with his fishing boat. 这是第一起突出抹香鲸与渔民之间冲突的案例,抹香鲸已学会抢夺渔民捕获的黑鳕鱼。 This is the first case of its kind highlighting the conflict between sperm whales and fishermen, who have learned to raid the fishermen's sablefish catch. 根据认罪协议,丹尼尔斯将面临最高 6 个月监禁、25,000 美元罚款以及 80 小时社区服务。 Daniels faces a maximum of 6 months in prison, a $25,000 fine, and 80 hours of community service under the plea agreement.