由于周六空中交通管制员罢工,巴黎奥利机场 70% 的航班被取消。 70% of flights at Paris' Orly airport cancelled due to air traffic controller strike on Saturday.
由于周六空中交通管制员罢工,巴黎奥利机场 70% 的航班被取消,影响到格林威治标准时间 04:00 至 21:30 之间的商业航班。 70% of flights at Paris' Orly airport have been cancelled due to an air traffic controller strike scheduled for Saturday, affecting commercial flights between 0400 GMT and 2130 GMT. 此次取消的课程是继上个月发生类似罢工之后的又一次取消,而第二大工会 UNSA-ICNA 声称人员配备水平仍然不足。 The cancellations follow a similar strike last month and come as the second-biggest union, UNSA-ICNA, claimed that staffing levels were still inadequate. 奥利机场与法国海外属地之间的航班将正常运营。 Flights between Orly and French overseas territories will operate normally.